Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Food for thought...

I haven't had much to say about the new administration. I have been trying to sit back with my mouth shut and hope and pray that the disaster, bail out plan, spending plan is actually going to work. But really, it isn't going to work. We have never been in a more dire situation than we are right now and it infuriates me. I am mad because the MSM(main stream media) refuses to report what is actually happening. They sugar coat and gloss over EVERYTHING OBAMA because they want, hope, pray, that Obama is the savior. But he is not. He is ruining this country. And if I hear one more time that he inherited this mess I think I may shoot my head off. He is an asshole. Pure and simple. Sorry Obama supporters. Those of you who thought he was going to save the nation. You banked on the wrong person and all he is doing is making matters worse. If you cant see it yet, you will soon. ANd if you dont admit it, it is because you are too proud to admit that he is a disaster. IF the tables were turned. If it were republicans pulling the shit the dems are pulling, the shit would be hitting every fan in the country. But because Obama is the "messiah" they give him a pass. Whatever. It is nuts. There is so much going on in that administration that should not be happenening that it is incredulous. I sit back on a daily basis and wonder, what the hell is happening in this country? I know most of you out there probably have no idea what is going on beyond what you hear on the MSM who by the way have an agenda so you will only see reported what they want you to see. I dare you to just put any of the stories to the republical test. If a republican was said to have evaded paying his taxes, would he still be heading the IRS? Um, no! Etc. It goes on and on. Look, I am sure there are plenty of crooked republicans out there. But that doesnt make it right to give a pass to the crooked dems. You can blame what you want on Bush, and I have plenty to say about that, but the past couple of years that he was president, the dems were in control(and that is when the economy started on its road to a shit in a hand bakset). There is very little that the president on his own can control. He needs the house, the congress, senators, etc. backing him/ Bush did not have that but Obama does. And that scares the crap out of me.


Anonymous said...

For you to say that Dubya did not have his party controlling both houses of Congress during his tenure is outright wrong. He went unchecked in his first 6 years in office because his party controlled the legislature. Get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

I believe she said the last couple of years Bush was in office the dems controlled Congress. So therefore, you are in agreement?

At any rate, I always enjoy watching Alan Keyes. Whether I agree with what he says or not, I enjoy watching him. Thanks for posting that video!

Gina said...

I guess all I should say is that I hope in a few years you will be able to look back and see that things turned out better than you ever expected. I am saddened and disappointed by the hate and negativity coming from some republicans. I think they are driving moderate people away from their party.

Nic said...

There is a lot of hate coming from both sides of the fence Gina. Seriously, you have to see that.

I just don't see how anyone can think this massive spending on PORK is going to help us? I would rather have that 18,000 dollars in my home. And that is only the start. We are on a long road and I fear it is all down hill. If I am wrong, I will be the first to admit it. Maybe some miracle will happen but I dont see how it can. History has proven that this kind of spending doesn't work. Especially when it is on pork and other things that only stimulate the law makers.

This is more than whether you are a dem or a rep. This is about logic. And logic dictates that this is not going to work. I realize that Obama is really good at reading a teleprompter. But there is more to it than that. People need to think with a clear head about exactly what he is doing or proposing. It just makes no sense to me.